May 10, 2018

Don’t Miss Your Oral Cancer Screening

Our dentists at Family Dental Care realize the importance of regular oral cancer screenings to protect your overall health. What does your dentist look for during a screening? Why is it so vital to receive regular oral cancer screening from your Family Dental Care dentist? Read on to learn more.

How are oral cancer screenings performed?

Oral cancer screenings take just a few minutes of your time and are a comfortable procedure. Your family dentist will fully examine your mouth for any possible signs of something they will need to further look into. They will examine the following warning signs:

  • Changes in color to the tissue
  • Changes in texture to the tissue
  • Lumps or bumps in the tissue
  • Sores that won’t heal in the tissue
  • A continued hoarse voice or difficulty swallowing
  • Any swelling or inflammation in your lymph nodes

These are a few warning signs of oral cancer and if you notice any of these in yourself contact our clinic right away. Your dentist will also ask you additional questions to learn of any possible nonvisual warning signs.

What are the benefits of oral cancer screening?

Early diagnosis of oral cancer can save your life and eliminate countless other issues. Early diagnosis is vital for this to happen. Our dentists recommend regular oral cancer screenings at least twice a year to ensure protection. This allows your dentist to notice the warning signs as soon as possible to begin treatment plans if needed.

For further questions or concerns regarding oral cancer screenings or your oral health, contact our dental clinic. Don’t hesitate to provide yourself with the best of care! We encourage you to schedule a dental checkup for oral cancer with our dentists at Family Dental Care today!

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