Mar 01, 2023

How Many Years Do You Have to Wear Invisalign?

Do you wish to straighten your teeth without using traditional braces? Ask our dentist in 60409 whether you are a candidate for Invisalign. Invisalign are clear aligners used to straighten teeth over time gradually. They are removable and require willpower and self-discipline to wear them consistently for them to work. While it’s estimated that Invisalign takes 12 to 18 months, the treatment could vary from one patient to another.

How Long Do I Have to Wear Them Per Day

if you have already invested your money and time in getting Invisalign treatment, then you need to follow the dentist’s instructions and wear them 22 hours daily. Eating, brushing, and flossing your teeth while having aligners on is impossible, and you can’t have them on every minute of the day. However, it is recommended that you limit the time you won’t have the aligners in your mouth to not more than two hours. Ignoring this will increase the period of your Invisalign treatment.

After getting your Invisalign in Calumet City, IL, you must have them on for not less than 22 hours per day. The aligners are designed to apply constant pressure on your teeth and slowly move them into the desired place. Keeping your aligners off for more extended periods, your teeth will not move as anticipated. Also, prolonged treatment could lead to additional costs and time spent during appointments. Ensure that you stick to the plan and have patience; within no time, you will have a straight smile.

Why Does Invisalign Treatment Length Vary

Each patient has different alignment needs and smile goals. Other factors can affect how long one will get to wear Invisalign. They include:

  • The distance your teeth are required to move to the desired position.

  • How complex are your alignment issues?

  • The pace of the teeth’s movement differs from one person to another because of bone structure and composition.

  • How compliant are you with the treatment plan or journey?

Here are other factors explained in detail:

Evening Out Crowded Teeth

The treatment could take as little as six to twelve months if you have mild crowding. In cases with severe crowding, Invisalign isn’t considered the best option. Your orthodontist may recommend another option or combine another treatment option with Invisalign.

Closing Gapped Teeth

Invisalign is used to close gaps and other unwanted teeth spaces. However, there are limits. For example, if you have large openings up to 6mm, you may have an extended treatment period of up to 2 years, while less will have less time. Additionally, for gaps over 6mm, Invisalign treatment will not be an effective treatment option.


Age inst a factor that can affect how long the Invisalign treatment will last. The treatment is effective for both teens and adults. The time one will need to wear Invisalign to straighten their teeth sorely depends on the complexity of the orthodontic issue.

Are Invisalign Quicker Than Braces

Generally, both Invisalign and traditional braces will take the same amount of time on similar orthodontic issues, but there are cases in which metal braces are considered faster. However, patients will lean more toward choosing Invisalign for braces due to lifestyle factors.

Invisalign is considered more convenient than braces because they are discrete and removable. You will not have to give up on certain foods or be self-conscious about the treatment.

Overall, the Invisalign aligner is durable but could break if not well taken care of. Visit us at Family Dental Care – Calumet City for more information on Invisalign clear aligners.

Retainers After Invisalign?

We understand your reluctance about wearing another oral appliance after your Invisalign treatment. However, as directed by the dentist near you, you need to wear a retainer, or your teeth will gradually shift back to their original positions. While the change may not be noticeable initially, you will notice it over time. For example, your retainer is filling until comfortable after failing to wear off for a few days. Additionally, it’s expected that your teeth may start to shift slightly after the treatment. This is because of the wear and tear on your teeth as you bite, chew, and swallow. Retainers are designed to prevent any noticeable changes and maintain your smile.

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