Why would anyone in their right mind even consider having their wisdom teeth removed or for that matter any tooth removed? It makes you close your mouth just thinking about it. Let’s take a minute to see what is so important about our wisdom teeth. In case you must there is a tooth/teeth removal dentist near you in Calumet City, TX.
Your wisdom teeth are the very last teeth to come through in your mouth. They will usually show up between the ages of 17 to 25, and they are commonly called your third molars.
If your wisdom teeth are lined up right, and your gums are healthy, there is no reason for them to be removed. However, that is true in only about 85% of the cases.
What to do With a Wisdom Tooth if it becomes Impacted?
An average person’s mouth usually holds 28 teeth, with 14 on the bottom and the same on the top. Four additional teeth in the back cause existing teeth to be crowded or not be able to emerge through the gum line. If a wisdom tooth becomes impacted and has no room to come thru the gum, the wisdom tooth is stopped by the overlying bone, another tooth or the gum itself. Your wisdom tooth could be partially impacted, and that means that only a part of the tooth is showing at the gum line, or if it is impacted fully it can’t start to get through the gum line.
So, if your Wisdom Tooth is Impacted, is it Serious?
If your wisdom teeth/tooth are impacted partially, they can be painful. The opening that is around the tooth will let bacteria grow in it causing an infection. What results is stiffness, pain, swelling and eventually, you will be sick. The pressure alone from a wisdom tooth coming through will cause your other teeth to move around and disrupt the alignment of your teeth.
It can cause cysts and tumors to form at the site of the impacted wisdom tooth, and result in destroying the jawbone and other healthy teeth. If the offending wisdom tooth is removed, it will usually take care of these problems. The earlier you can remove a wisdom tooth that does not have room to come through the better it is to avoid these problems.
But if I Don’t Have Pain, I Shouldn’t Need My Tooth Pulled
Because you don’t have pain doesn’t mean there is no damage happening. While your wisdom teeth are growing, the roots keep getting longer. If you don’t have room at your jawline, it will try to look for another pathway to erupt somewhere else. Sometimes your wisdom tooth will grow sideways and come through partially from your gum and get trapped under the bone and gum.
So, When Should I Have My Wisdom Teeth Taken Out?
You need to have your wisdom teeth removed before you begin to have pain. That tooth extraction can happen here in Calumet City. Dental extraction is near you. Removal of your wisdom teeth is better sooner than later as it will result in far fewer complications and there will be a quicker healing process. Most of the time having wisdom teeth being removed as a young adult or teenager is recommended. In younger patients, the roots of the wisdom teeth have not formed enough, and the bone that surrounds the tooth is softer. If you wait till the right time, it is less chance of nearby bone structure and nerves being damaged.
If you wait until you are an older adult, you stand a greater chance of complications from the surgery to have your wisdom tooth removed due to the mature roots, and the jawbone being denser. Removal at an older age will involve dealing with all those surrounding nerves. Researchers have identified the older the patient, the higher the risk for diseases like periodontal infections and periodontitis that can affect one’s general health.