Mar 06, 2022

Tooth contouring: What are the risks involved?

Pursuing a flawless smile takes heart and requires patience, persistence, and some lifestyle changes. In the past, people who wished to alter their smiles had limited options, mainly because dental technology was limited. But now, you can almost do anything to alter your appearance.

This is why you will find options such as teeth contouring at our dental clinic near you for people who wish to take their smiles to the next level.

Dental flaws such as misshapen teeth, unevenly shaped teeth, and cracked teeth may affect the quality of your smile. That’s why contouring and bonding teeth are popular among many patients because these treatments guarantee to change their smiles.

However, every moon has a dark side, so you can expect that tooth contouring will have its benefits as well as disadvantages.

But before we delve into the risks involved when you undergo teeth contouring, let’s get some definitions out of the way.

Understanding Tooth Contouring

Tooth contouring is also referred to as odontoplasty, enameloplasty, reshaping, stripping, or slenderizing. It is a cosmetic dental procedure that entails the removal of tiny quantities of your enamel to alter the shape, length, texture, and proportions of your affected teeth.

Tooth reshaping is considered the most conservative cosmetic dental procedure since it is a painless and quick procedure that guarantees immediate results.

Our dentist will commence the procedure by shaving off a few millimeters of enamel using precision lasers or drills to bring about a more uniform smile. Like the other cosmetic dental treatments, this procedure is a blend of science and art.

Are Tooth Reshaping and Dental Contouring Right for You?

Contouring or reshaping can transform the smile of almost anyone who sets foot in our dental clinic. That being said, it doesn’t mean that it is the best solution for everyone. Every case is unique and will need specialized treatment to achieve the desired smile.

In any case, this treatment can be ideal for you if you have the following dental issues:

  • Small chips on teeth
  • Small fractures on teeth
  • Pointy teeth
  • Excessively small teeth
  • Excessively large teeth
  • Crooked teeth
  • Uneven teeth
  • Pits or bulges on the enamel
  • Slightly misshapen teeth

Tooth contouring is perfect for anyone who needs to make tiny adjustments or repairs to enhance their smiles.

There are instances where reshaping and contouring are performed as the first steps toward extensive cosmetic dental work. It sets the stage for procedures such as veneers, teeth whitening, or even crown lengthening that can be done days, months, or years after the contouring.

If you are lucky, tooth reshaping might be the only procedure you need to undergo to get the smile you dreamed of.

But remember that contouring is not appropriate for you if you have unhealthy gums, root canals, or decaying teeth.

Disadvantages of Tooth Reshaping and Dental Contouring

If you have lived long enough, you must know that perfection is something that you cannot come by in this life. So, even though tooth contouring may have benefits, it also comes with disadvantages that you must know.

Some of the disadvantages may include:

  • Subtle Change 

When people undergo different cosmetic dentistry procedures, they expect dramatic results. If you undergo teeth whitening or get dental veneers, you can expect a dramatic change after the procedure. But this is not the case with tooth contouring.

Dental contouring will only eliminate tiny imperfections, whereas veneers can cover the entire front surface of your tooth, changing your smile instantly.

  • Risk of Tooth Damage

Since tooth reshaping or contouring involves the removal of some of the enamel, there is always the risk of tooth damage. This is dependent on how much enamel has been removed. In some cases, patients may complain of tooth sensitivity after the procedure. If too much enamel was removed during the procedure, then there is a chance that tooth breakage can occur.

  • Temporary Solution

In some scenarios, tooth contouring might not suffice, and you might need to combine it with another procedure such as bonding.

  • Only On the Surface

Reshaping or contouring requires the removal of some of your enamel (the outer shell). Our dentist can remove only so much enamel without causing tooth sensitivity or tooth damage. This means that nothing much can be done beyond shaving some of the enamel.

If you are thinking of undergoing teeth contouring, contact us Family Dental Care, and we would love to redefine your smile.

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